Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Radio-Silence: Part 2

Begin transmission...

So another reason you may not hear from me too frequently for the next couple of months is the work I'll be doing on Z-Boy. This is my girlfriend, Zoë Abbett's, degree project in animation. I'm her co-producer, colorist, motivator, man-slave, and I'll occasionally just stare at my computer and type to look like I'm doing something of importance.

Anywho, we are moving along with the production and animation of this film. Nine minutes isn't exactly a walk in the park! Five minutes was hard enough for me last year with Over Games... But...just like I had help from Zoë last year, I'm helping her out this year....

Here's a few preview shots of our favorite decaying friend, Drake, and his incompetent Reaper, Cornelius:

End transmission...

Radio-Silence: Part 1

Hey All!

So I've been very busy with freelance work, part-time job work, and life in general. Unfortunately, I lost my Grandfather about two weeks ago, so it's been a rough time for my family and myself. However, he is resting in peace, and he is no longer suffering. He had a good life and made our lives all the much better. I will always think of him when I'm out of ideas and struggling with my work.

As far as business and work goes, it goes... I've been working on this thingamajiggy for my associate, Dan Pogue. I won't give away too much, but his project is going to be awesome, and I've been helping by making the advertisement for the product that his Degree Project is focusing on. Here are a few stills:

You don't know what it does...all you know is you want one!

End of transmission...

~ James C.